“Trends in genetic crop improvement”

The Agricultural Technical Institute (Instituto Técnico Agrario), the Regional Government of Castile & Leon, Biovegen  and Cajamar Caja Rural  have organized the technical agri-food workshop “Trends in genetic crop improvement” to be held on Thursday, June 1. This workshop will … Continue reading “Trends in genetic crop improvement”

USAL researchers identify a new genetic alteration that silently favours the development of hepatic diseases

The molecular basis of the disorder has also been identified. This will enable early diagnoses and effective treatments of this pathology, which is known as an ACOX2 deficiency”.

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USAL acquires a high capacity system for the analysis of genetic variability

The University of Salamanca has presented a new high capacity system for analysing genetic variability in a single cell, acquired by the DNA Sequencing Service pertaining to the Nucleus Service for Research Support.

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