New mechanism identified that slows down the formation of cancer in blood cells

The Center for Networked Biomedical Research in Cancer (CIBERONC) (Spain), through the research group led by Xosé R. Bustelo, also belonging to the Cancer Research Center of Salamanca, has just discovered that the VAV1 gene, usually involved in the formation of a wide range of tumors, can also play roles involved in the suppression of some specific types of acute lymphoblastic leukemia of T lymphocytes.

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IBSAL Research proves the efficacy of a new treatment against prostate cancer

The Translational Research Group on Urology, haded by Francisco Gómez Veiga, demonstrates the benefits of focal therapy as a treatment for prostate cancer.


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USAL researchers successfully test in vitro a non-toxic alternative to chemotherapy in cancer

Professor of Chemical Engineering Eva Martín del Valle foresees in vitro testing within two years of an aerosol against lung cancer, thanks to the aid granted by the Ramón Areces Foundation.

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Identified several genes frequently altered in peripheral T-cell lymphomas “of unclear origin”

This work has been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, the official journal of this Academy, and was carried out by a multi-centre group, including the laboratory of Dr. Xosé Bustelo of the Cancer Research Center (CIC-IBMCC) of Salamanca.

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