The RRG “Ecology and Microbial Technology” is promoting research in microbiology in the areas of health, agriculture and technology

In a 1 gram of soil we can find more than 1,000,000 microorganisms. It is surprising that in 2017 the scientific community has only been able to describe around 12,000 of them around the world and, of these, 63 of them are exclusive to Salamanca, having been identified thanks to the intense work carried out by microbiologist Martha Trujillo Toledo and her team in the Departmental Building of the University of Salamanca.

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“Trends in genetic crop improvement”

The Agricultural Technical Institute (Instituto Técnico Agrario), the Regional Government of Castile & Leon, Biovegen  and Cajamar Caja Rural  have organized the technical agri-food workshop “Trends in genetic crop improvement” to be held on Thursday, June 1. This workshop will … Continue reading “Trends in genetic crop improvement”